Amateur porn is wonderful. Sure, there is some terrible amateur stuff out there. I mean, can you really forgive people who shoot in vertical mode, or don’t catch the real action when filming their porn? However, it can be argued that the best porn around is always going to be the homemade amateur content like this list of sites here. If you think about it, the lower production values of amateur porn videos adds a sense of ‘rawness’ to the video. There is no over-produced emotions or anything like that. There is no director screaming at the porn stars to show a bit more enthusiasm or to do something different. Everything that you see on the camera is what was really happening at the time. The moans are real. The pleasure is real. The situations are real. This is as close to ‘proper’ sex that you will get without doing the real thing.
I, personally, love the fact that the videos that you are watching are coming from people who are genuinely into the sex as opposed to doing it for a quick pay day. In fact, much of the free amateur porn that you stumble across online is from people who are not expecting to make any money from it. They are just showing off their ‘skills’ to the world simply for the love of having sex. The best part is that because amateur porn is so popular nowadays, there are huge amateur porn websites dedicated to this type of porn. You will be surprised at just what normal people have managed to capture on camera. You sink your teeth into this, and you will be excited. This is the best type of porn, bar none. Visit Mr. Porn Geek here if you want to be introduced to some of the greatest porn sites in the world.
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